
Our journey together will help you access and translate the wisdom of your body.

intuitive treatments

Transformative Bodywork

Transformative Bodywork, as I practice it, aims to enable you through touch, breath, and conversation to break free from limiting patterns and old protection strategies.

This allows you to unfold and live your individual qualities and choices in the here and now. The work we do together can address various intentions, including physical conditions, emotional or mental issues, and practical projects.

What Happens During a Transformative Bodywork Session?

You will learn about repetitive patterns, experience physical and emotional release, and enjoy increased energy flow or a deep sense of grounding and inner peace.

In my sessions, I engage with multiple layers of your body. Sometimes, I stimulate the activity and curiosity of your muscles to bring them fully alive.

Other times, I apply deep touch to release pressure in contracted areas.

During our time together, anything can happen. The body, when given space and time, reveals its wisdom to be seen and understood. I see myself as a translator of your body’s language, helping to bring its wisdom into your life choices.

Hold space for emotional release, connect with your feelings to let go, for you to feel a deep sense of grounding and belonging. Awakining your senses.

A session can feel ceremonial or like an altered state, filled with energy flow, deep roots, confidence, acceptance, trust, and release. It offers insight, compassion, and the opportunity to reclaim choice over your behaviors and strategies.

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How to Book a Session

Transformative Bodywork

Contact me directly to book a session



75 minutes

Setting an Intention

 On Massage Table

Communication and Reflection

Emotional and Physical Release


“If you are a discerning customer like me, and want a massage that is both professional, hits where it needs to be, is adapted to you and creates the atmosphere, then you have found the most wonderful treatment with Boye.

It is a treatment that gives depth and attention to the whole of you, that reminds you of what peace and balance feel like, I still dream of another treatment with Boye.

Divine, loving and high level of massge.”

Maria Tauber Wise

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

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