Awaken your True Potential and Unleash the Power of your Consciousness

Ready to Transform your Life?

What is the purpose of life, what makes it worth living? In my humble experience, to live a wonderful life is to live in radical authenticity, integrity and presence. It is to continuously seek for inner freedom by peeling away social conditioning and outdated beliefs that limit our ability to be in the reality of here and now.

We achieve this by healing the wounds and traumas that block our genuine self-expression in the here and now, and by striving to be more conscious every day. It is in the being genuinely ourselves that we can best be in service for ourselves, our loved ones and our surroundings.

What are you waiting for? Your dream life is only a click of a button away.

Work with me

How to work with me

Guiding you through the pillars of the Conscious Approach through life-altering courses, personalised coaching and intuitive treatments.


Extensive courses in various aspects of optimisation, growth and healing. Beginners and advanced practitioners welcome.


Personalised one-on-one coaching sessions, tailored to your specific goals. For individuals who are strongly committed to their growth.


Intuitive body treatments to help you release trauma and stuck energy in your system. A modern approach to traditional massage techniques.

Discover a variety of options for your wellness journey

Create lasting and meaningful experiences
with our guidance and assistance

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Said about Boye


Boye is a very present, generous and caring person with a big heart. He is very focused on what is best for the whole, and sees where and who needs special loving attention. I have met him in a community setting, and there he was the one who ensured that everything went smoothly and that there was flow in the cases. He gets up early in the morning and is very energetic – he makes things happen.


Annette Odimer Bergman

Highly Recommended

I see you as being incredibly open-minded, fun-loving, welcoming, honest, giving (nourishing) reflective, accommodating, non-judgmental, inclusive, warm and a very bright being with a big heart🙏🏻♥️🎁☯️  Pure and free🕊and full of colors🌈So THANK YOU for YOU 🤗



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